25 Pritchard Place Peakhurst NSW 2210
Mon - Friday: 7am - 5pm
25 Pritchard Place Peakhurst NSW 2210
Mon - Friday: 7am - 5pm
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  • Our Services

    Power Generation

    Simply put, Cogeneration is the use of one fuel source to provide two kinds of energy, usually electricity and heat. Cogeneration captures and utilizes the heat from power generation for other purposes such as steam generation, absorption chilling as well as space and water heating. These systems can be powered by natural gas. By capturing and utilising the waste heat, these systems consume only 50% of the fuel burned by a central power station to provide the same energy output.

    Burning less fuel means fewer greenhouse gas emissions and therefore, CO2 production is cut in half. Cogeneration systems can save up to 35% on overall energy costs, whilst the other benefits include:

    Our Experience

    Our company is an industry leader in cogeneration technology. Our expertise is second-to-none and we can quickly demonstrate how you can reduce your operational costs and achieve significant energy efficiency gains, and at the same time, do something positive for the environment.

    Our relationship with all the generator manufacturers puts us in a unique position to source the most suitable generator for every job. With the full cooperation of the manufacturers, we deliver the best solution every time!

    We offer a turnkey solution that includes; design, manufacture, complete mechanical and electrical installation and full commission. Some of the Cogeneration projects we designed and maintain include: Parliament House, Macquarie University, Darling Island 6 star building, Blacktown Hospital and Parramatta Linen Service.

    Got a question for us?
    Please contact us if you have any enquiries for your commercial or industrial installations.